Creatures : Preview

Making the game bearable

The most common and hated creatures the same issue, they are not telegraphed. You are hit before you even see the incoming attack

This simple hotfix aims to correct the most obvious problem with these creatures. Fear no more. The nightmare inducing sabre cat triple pawn attack is now gone


Dragons preview : now free

The best of 2022

Creatures : Dragons Preview is the first creature mod made with Patreon standards in mind and is now available for free to the public

The animations are way better, the gameplay is way more fun. The embryo of what Skyrim could be if it met Monster Hunter


Creatures MCO|DXP

2023 mods are far beyond 2022 mods

Creatures MCO|DXP is the latest fully fledged overhaul. Unlike Creatures : Preview, it is not a simple animation replacer. It seemlessly integrates them with the latest modding frameworks. S.C.A.R, Precision, BDI and soon PCR

Enjoy the combination of the best gameplay overhaul available with an unprecedented quality thanks to the power of motion captured animations

Currently featured : Wolves MCO|DXP, Trolls MCO|DXP


Thank you!

Creatures : Preview is free while Creatures MCO|DXP is available in early access on Patreon. Your support is the only reason why this mod exists and I can dedicate myself to doing it full time

This mod is brought to you by the Patrons who financed the motion capture suit, my time working, failing, learning, failing again and working more. Thanks again !

  • DAR

  • Simply install

  • v0.1

    • Initial release

      • Bear

      • Sabrecat

      • Wolf


    • Added dragons


Projectiles - MCO|DXP


Movement - MCO|DXP