Movement - MCO|DXP


A focused experience

Movement - MCO|DXP allies the duel feel of the original mod with an extended tweakability, convenience and scope

By slowing down the movement in combat with weapon drawn, fighting becomes more intense and focused

The player and NPC movement speed separation allows you to create the experience you want. It now only takes effect in combat and extends to bow and magic

    • Installing Movement MCO|DXP

    • run Nemesis

  • Modern Combat Overhaul:

    v2.0 :

    • only applies in combat

    • Separates PC and NPC movement speed (in case you want to go faster than the NPCs)

    • Spellswords implementatoin the melee speed

    • Fixes walking in place bug

    v2.1 :

    • Fixed Player/NPC separation not working - Added bow, crossbow, 2HW, magic and magic casting separation

    Distar Experience :

    v2.1 :

    • Same as AMMCO v2.1

    • Player melee backward speed goes a bit faster than the NPC melee forward speed

    • Slowed down NPC melee forward speed to allow spacing management

    • Archers can run when not aiming

    • Mages can run at half speed when not casting


    • New naming scheme

    • Fixed FOMOD


Creatures : Preview


The Ultimate Weapon